Unlocking Value Through
Trusted Partnership

Direct real estate investments for family offices and entrepreneurial investors


100 +
Operating partners nationwide
4,000+ deals reviewed annually


$50 +M
Personally invested
REALM principals typically invest 5-20% of equity in every deal.


$6 +B
In completed transactions
15 year track record of 20% average realized returns*
* Past results are not necessarily indicative of future returns.

Who we are

REALM is the preeminent multi-family office dedicated exclusively to direct real estate investing. REALM acts as the real estate investment arm for more than 60 single family offices collectively comprising $10+ billion of assets under management.

With a commitment to trusted partnership, we enable family offices (and the founders, entrepreneurs and families that created them) to ACCESS compelling investment portfolios alongside an ALIGNED and trusted partner. Be it through an existing portfolio, one of REALM’s proprietary strategies or some combination thereof, REALM‘s creative approach, sophisticated analysis, proven investment ACUMEN, and extensive network of relationships have been proven to generate outstanding returns across multiple real estate cycles.

We focus on directly-held commercial assets of all property types – typically valued at less than $25 million which can offer attractive deal flow with less competition. Our deep network of relationships and partner-centric model enable us to effectively source compelling local opportunities that fall under the radar of most investors.
Find out more

What our partners are saying

"My long-standing partnership with REALM has been characterized by trust and transparent collaboration. When I work with REALM, I can always be sure that we are pulling the rope in the same direction"
Gordon Keig
Principal: Pennant Development, 2018 ICSC Trustees Distinguished Service Award Winner
“The REALM team has experienced significant growth since I was introduced to them in 2020, yet they have maintained the same gritty, entrepreneurial culture and have stayed true to their investment strategy.
My experience with them has been characterized by stand-out customer service, solidly thought out investment opportunities and ultimately trust in how REALM has operated and invested our resources."
John Hopkins
Trustee: Hopkins Family Trust
“My partnership with REALM has enabled me to identify real estate opportunities across the country and across asset classes, timing investments to best capitalize on the real estate cycles in certain markets and property types. REALM is also a problem solver. They assist me in forming creative solutions and structures to accommodate my particular situation and priorities unlike many other groups I’ve seen.”
Ajay Gupta
Principal: Robbins Gupta Holdings

Are you a prospective

Investor Realm
Benefits for investors
  • Transparent Communications
  • Co-investment
  • Personalized Approach
  • Leverage collective knowledge
  • Diversification across property type and geography

Are you a prospective
operating partner?

Partner Realm
Benefits for partners
  • Dependable capital partner
  • Relationship based rather than transactional
  • More time finding deals – less capital raising
  • Benefit from REALM’s operating scale
  • Flexible structures
“I founded REALM to provide reliable capital to entrepreneurial operating partners across property type, geography, and risk profile. From these relationships, our investors gain access to hidden investment opportunities that provide exceptional risk-adjusted returns.”
Travis KingFounder & CEO